Gardeners make this agreement with us online now, when they register for a plot.
As a Community Gardener, I agree to the following:
- I will not hold Ithaca Community Gardens, Inc. or the City of Ithaca liable for any injury that may occur to me or to anyone I invite to the Community Gardens site.
- My membership and plot use period begins with plot assignment or renewal each year, and ends (unless renewed) at the following year’s spring renewal. I will spend at least 8 hours this season working for the Gardens at workdays or as otherwise arranged, or pay a no-work fee of $10 per hour not worked, by December 1. Gardeners with special circumstances can apply to the board for a work waiver, up to 1.5 hours may be fulfilled by attending one board meeting.
- I will maintain the paths around my plot at all times and tend my plot on a regular basis to keep it neat and free of weeds and other debris.
- Tools belonging to the Gardens are marked “Community Gardens” or “ICG” and they’re all we’ve got. I will never remove them from the Gardens site. After using them, I will clean and return them to the proper tool shed and lock the shed.
- I will follow the water conservation guidelines provided at registration & orientation.
- I will leave the corner stakes that mark the plot boundaries in place, and notify if any corner stakes are missing.
- I will keep stakes, trellises, raised beds at least 6 inches from perimeter of my plot (no plot perimeter fences allowed).
- I will clean my plot at the end of the season (dead plant matter into compost bin, remove all trash) and also remove my own stakes, etc. (please leave corner boundary stakes!), if I will not be returning next season.
- I will not use chemical, non-organic herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers, plastic mulch, or chemically-treated wood.
- I will comply with these and other established Community Gardens rules and policies, including those listed in the Gardens Rules and Policies. I understand that failure to comply may result in the loss of my gardening plot.