Apply for a Garden Plot / Renew
New Gardeners
To join the Ithaca Community Gardens & apply for a garden plot, or join as a member without a plot, please fill out this simple online form, or mail your name, address, and phone number to Ithaca Community Gardens, PO Box 804, Ithaca, NY 14851; plot registration will be done by email unless you request otherwise. As of late 2024, there are many plots available. FYI new gardeners are limited to 1 plot at registration. We offer two size plots, the regular size which is roughly 280 square feet in size (about 17′ x 16.5′) and half-size plots. We encourage inexperienced gardeners to start with a half-size plot, as gardening is a lot of work — healthy work and fun work, but still, regular work! We also have some raised beds for people with disabilities/mobility issues.
Once all available plots are taken, you will be placed on the New Gardener Wait List and we will notify you if/when a plot becomes available. Even when all plots are taken, there is turnover as people’s plans change. During mid-season you have the option to specify if you would like a plot as soon as one becomes available, or to get on the wait list for a plot the following spring. FYI in the past we had about a 25% plot turnover rate each year, with about 30 plots became available each spring, so the earlier one signed up to the wait list, the sooner one’s chance at getting a plot the next spring.
Returning Gardeners
Renewal information is usually emailed (or mailed if requested) to last year’s gardeners during February, but may be offered earlier if plot was well-maintained and work hours completed. Deadline for return of renewal registration forms and payment is early March. Please return your renewal promptly!
Community Group Garden Plot Program
Community organizations may apply for a garden plot to use in projects with their clients or to grow food for a specific project. They do not pay fees and do not vote, but are requested to contribute at least 4 hours of volunteer work of some nature. Requests are subject to board approval. Apply online here; if you have any questions, please contact the board.
Plot Assignment & Renewal
Starting in mid-March, plot numbers are drawn randomly and assigned to prospective new gardeners in the order they applied for a plot. Plots are renewable the following year if maintained in good condition and work commitment has been met.
Membership and full plot fee is $70 per year ($20 member fee and $50 plot use fee for water, tools, manure, etc.). Membership and half-plot fee is $45 per year ($20 member fee and $25 plot fee for water, tools, manure, etc.). Financial assistance is available for those unable to afford the full fees.
Work Requirement
The Gardens are run entirely through volunteer efforts of the member gardeners. Therefore, in addition to the fees, there is a 8-hour minimum work contribution per year to help maintain the Gardens, and gardeners are also expected to participate in at least one garden meeting or member event during the season.
Members must work 8 hours each season for the upkeep of the Ithaca Community Gardens or pay $10 per hour not worked. Work hours are due in the year that they are owed, so those who did not complete all their work hours from the previous year and wish to renew their plot will owe a non-work payment of $10 for each missing hour in addition to the new season’s registration fees when sending in the renewal form.
Curious about our “organic” gardening policy or compost & tools available to gardeners? Click here for more information on the Gardens’ rules & policies.
Interested in socializing and trading tips with fellow community gardeners? Click here for more information on our email list and here for a calendar of upcoming events.